Gian Luigi Somma

Aerospace Engineer

Hello! I’m Gian Luigi, a passionate aerospace engineer with 10+ years experience in the space field, eager to embark on new challenging space-related projects. I am proficient in 10+ programming language with a 10+ year experience, and I have a proven record as a thermal, mechanical, and system engineer within ESA, and DLR. I coached the winning team of the ESA competition “Fly your Satellite!”. 

IT Engineer

I am also a proactive rapid learner proficient in 10+ programming language with a 14+ year experience. Proven record as programmer, and full-stack developer.

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Bachelor's Degree Aerospace Engineering



Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Master's Degree Astronautical Engineering



School of Aerospace Engineering, 
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

PhD Space Debris Modelling



Astronautics Research Group,
University of Southampton, U.K


Visiting Scientist​ School of Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


Discovered and published Mars orbits that maximised lander-satellite dwell time.

Visiting PhD Student Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano, Italy


Fostered academic collaboration on space debris between Southampton University and Politecnico di Milano.

PhD Space Debris Astronautics Research Group, University of Southampton, U.K.


Developed and published a new space debris model with an innovative feedback controller.

Visiting Scientist​ University of Cambridge, U.K.

2018 – Current

Testing and refactoring of a C++ research software, built a continuous integration and delivery with GitHub and Circle Ci. Two publications are in preparations.


Work Experience

Please, select one of the following sector to see a tailored example of my work experience.

Space Engineer

Satellite mission analysis and design Cambridge Space Technology

2019 –  

Designing and optimising mission architecture using professional tools such as AGI STK.

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Space System Engineer UoS3 CubeSat Mission, Southampton University, U.K.

2017 – 2018

Coached the winning CubeSat team of the ESA competition “Fly your Satellite!”. Implemented an inventory for satellite parts.

Space Debris Modelling PhD, University of Southampton, U.K.

2015 – 2019

Developed and published a new space debris model with an innovative feedback controller.

Space Propulsion DLR, Institute of Space Propulsion, Germany

2012 – 2013

Developed and optimised a model of a cryogenic test-bench to validate experimental results.

Space Thermal Engineer European Space Agency, European Student Moon Orbiter, Phase B

2008 – 2009

Engineered thermal solutions to ensure the survival of a lunar orbiter in worst-case scenarios.

Satellite Engineer (Structural) Student Space Exploration and Technology Initiative, Phase A

2008 – 2009

Designed and evaluated (CAM/FEM) preliminary configurations of a small satellite.

Outreach Activities Astronomy and Astronautics Classes and Outreach Activities

2004 – 2015

Spearheaded in astronomy classes and popular science events (talks, star parties) to spread culture and passion for space.

Web developer

Software and Web Developer University of Cambridge, U.K.

2018 – Current 

Built a continuous integration and delivery system with GitHub and Circle Ci. Performed code test, refactoring and development (C++, YML). Webmaster of the EEG website.

Front-End Web Developer Self-employed

2005 – Current

Convert customers’ ideas and visions into modern and professional websites.

Past and current Clients

Comet, Roma Leones, BibliotecaGiapponese


Engineering and Computer Skills

Programming Languages

C++, Fortran, Ecosim Language, LaTeX, Matlab, R, Shell, Visual Basic, YML.

Web Development

Ajax, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, JSON, MySQL, PHP, Sass/SCSS, XML

Web-related Software

Adobe CC, cPanel, EasyPHP, WordPress

Software Development

Visual Studio, VS Code, version control (Git, GitHub), CI/CD (CircleCI).

Transferable skills

Written and verbal communication

2 peer-reviewed articles; 5 papers, 4 oral presentations, 2 interactive presentations, and 1 poster at international conferences.


Gained from experience in international projects and research groups.


Easily adapted to different roles in the industry and research field thanks to a proactive continuous learning attitude (e.g. via learning)

Problem solving

Lateral and critical thinker with a creative mind and strong analytical skills.

Language proficiency

German, Russian
Beginner Native
Beginner Native
Beginner Native
Beginner Native

Fluent in French (DELF B2) and English (IELTS); Italian native speaker.

Honours and Awards

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